Thursday, May 30, 2024

[NJFAC] Minn. Fed.: Income Distributions and Dynamics in America: Chart and Map Toolkit

Income Distributions and Dynamics in America: Chart and Map Toolkit | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

The charts and maps on this page use statistics from the Income Distributions and Dynamics in America dataset to visualize how income is distributed across dimensions that reflect communities and geographies in the United States.

The tabs organize the data based on four characteristics: race and ethnicity, sex, U.S.- or foreign-born, and age. The menus customize the map and chart to your particular values of interest. First choose the percentile of the earnings distribution you want to see. Next, choose the type of earnings. You then choose the group you want to see values for.

The map displays data for the year you choose, while the line chart displays your selected values over time.

Explore the X percentile of the distribution of [income] among people who are [race or ethnicity, sex, US,foreign-born] in [year]
Compare these values with White incomes?  Yes No

June Zaccone
National Jobs for All Network

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