New Haven, CT Good Jobs for All Virtual Town Hall Meeting Discussion of Employment, Health Care and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice Wednesday, September 29, 2021, at 7 PM  Free to attend and open to all. Register here. Dr. Phil Harvey Professor of Law and Economics at Rutgers Law School  Philip Harvey is a human rights economist and one of the world's foremost authorities on the right to work. In recent years he worked closely with Rep. John Conyers, designing and drafting legislation that would guarantee this right in the United States, as advocated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt over 70 years ago. Dr. Harvey advised Rep. Conyers on the design and drafting of H.R. 1000 ("The Humphrey-Hawkins 21 st Century Full Employment and Training Act"). He is a founding member of the National Jobs for All Network. Professor Harvey received his B.A. degree from Yale University, his Ph.D. in economics from the New School for Social Research, and his J.D. from Yale Law School. Aziz Dehkan Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs Rosana G. Ferraro Social Welfare Action Alliance, Connecticut Chapter Holly Hackett Medicare For All CT; Greater New Haven Coalition for People Kim Hart Witnesses To Hunger Dr. Henry Lowendorf Greater New Haven Peace Council Frank Panzarella Labor History Association Troubadour; Union Leader & Organizer: Local 1990 International Association of Machinists Senator Gary Winfield CT State Senator 10th District - New Haven Manuel Camacho Youth President, Ice the Beef, Junior at Hillhouse High School Dr. Trudy Goldberg Chair, National Jobs For All Network Sarianna Sabbarese SCSU Graduate Depts. of Social Work & Women's and Gender Studies Host Dr. Stephen Monroe Tomczak Professor of Social Welfare Policy and Community Organization, Southern Connecticut State University Department of Social Work Sponsors National Jobs For All Network Social Welfare Action Alliance - CT Chapter (SWAA-CT) SCSU - Rapid Response Team (RRT) SCSU Social Work Department The Greater New Haven Peace Council CT Roundtable on Climate and Jobs HUSKY 4 Immigrants Campaign Witnesses To Hunger - New Haven |