Tuesday, January 26, 2021

[NJFAC] Job Growth, Yes! But How?

Flash update from the National Jobs for All Network
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National Jobs for All Network
P.O. Box 96, Lynbrook, NY 11563 · njfan@njfac.org · www.njfac.org 
Flash Update, January 2021

Job Growth, Yes!  But How?

In response to the recent NY Times article,"Biden Focusing Economic Policy on Job Growth,"  NY Times, 1/19/21, NJFAN Chair Trudy Goldberg sent the following letter to the editor.  The letter wasn't published by the Times, but we wanted to share it with you.

Cheers for President Biden's focus on Job Growth! Getting jobless people back to work certainly beats extended unemployment benefits, though these should be available as long as joblessness remains high.  However, the general fiscal stimulus that seems to be the President's strategy for job growth is not the most efficient or effective way to create jobs and put people back to work.
Direct government job creation—based on updated versions of New Deal programs like the Civilian Conservation Corps and Works Progress Administration—can work faster, create more jobs per dollar of stimulus spending, better target the job creation effect of the spending where unemployment is highest, and ensure a fairer distribution of employment opportunities. This strategy—like the New Deal approach–would not only benefit the jobless but repair and enhance the nation's environmental, physical, and cultural resources.
A permanent government job creation program for unemployment that exceeds the usual, 26-week limit would be a step toward the guarantee of useful, living-wage work for all.
-- Trudy Goldberg, Chair, NJFAN

Please help amplify on Twitter and Facebook:

Twitter: >> https://twitter.com/NatlJobsForAll/status/1353391328105799682?s=20

Facebook: >> https://www.facebook.com/NationalJobsForAllCoalition/

In Case You Missed It!!

We recently sent out our January 2021 Newsletter.  In case you missed it, please click here to read the online version, which included the following articles:
  • The Covid-19 Relief Package: Too Little and Way Too Late
  • Seven Reasons Why We Need a Major Federal Direct Job Creation Program, ASAP
  • New York and Massachusetts Introduce Job Creation Legislation
  • Gender Inequality and Covid-19
  • Could a Resurgence of FDR's Tree Army Be on the Horizon?
  • Corporate Fat Cats Get Bailouts, Workers Get Pink Slips as Retailers File for Bankruptcy Protection
  • Helping Mexican Folk Artists Market Their Work
  • Palliative Care Bill Advances
  • A History of Unemployment and the Search for Solutions
  • Helen Lachs Ginsburg, Scholar-Activist and Leader in Advocacy of Living-Wage Jobs for All
To receive future newsletters if you are not on our list, please sign up here.
Unemployment Data
The Full Count: December 2020

Officially unemployed: 10.7 million (6.7%)

Hidden unemployment: 13.5 million
(Includes 6.2 million people working part-time
because they can't find a full-time job;
and 7.3 million people who want jobs,
but are not actively looking)
Total: 24.2 million (14.4% of the labor force)

There are 3.7 job-wanters for each available job!

For more information and analysis, visit: www.njfac.org

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Get Involved!!

 Join/Donate!  Subscribe!

The National Jobs for All Network is dedicated to the proposition that meaningful employment is a precondition for a fulfilling life, and that every person capable of working should have the right to a job.  As part of our mission, the NJFAN promotes discussion, encourages networking, and disseminates information concerning the problem of unemployment, the struggle for workers' rights, and the goal of guaranteeing decent work for everyone who wants it.

NJFAN relies on your support. If you find our material useful, please make a tax-deductible donation. We are all volunteers, except for a part-time coordinator and a part-time administrator.

We are publishing this newsletter to provide a public forum where the multiple groups and countless individuals interested in promoting this goal can learn what others are doing to promote the Job Guarantee idea, build public support for it, and pursue legislative initiatives to implement it.

We invite our readers to:
  • Help us to establish a Jobs for All Action Clearinghouse by informing us of publications, actions and events that promote a Job Guarantee or related economic justice goals so we can share the information with other readers
  • Comment on the contents of this issue of the Jobs for All Newsletter
  • Submit ideas for articles in coming issues of the Jobs for All Newsletter
  • Provide names and email addresses of individuals to whom we may send a subsequent issue of the Jobs for All Newsletter
Please send your updates and contact suggestions to: njfan@njfac.org. Thanks so much in advance for your help in building this important social movement.

Newsletter Committee: Gregory N. Heires, editor; Chuck Bell, production manager; Trudy Goldberg, Philip Harvey, Logan Martinez (Action Updates); June Zaccone (the Full Count and NJFAN Website).

National Jobs for All Network
P.O. Box 96
Lynbrook, NY 11563
Web: www.njfac.org
Email: njfan@njfac.org 
Copyright © 2021 National Jobs for All Network, All rights reserved.
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PO Box 96
Lynbrook, NY 11563

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June Zaccone
National Jobs for All Coalition

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