National Jobs For All Network
Dear Friends,
We're sending you this copy of our September newsletter—in case you missed it or didn't see it. We welcome your comments and would be very pleased to include in our November issue a report of some action on behalf of economic justice that you have been involved in or think we should cover.
We'd also appreciate your sending copies to people who, like you, advocate a Job Guarantee and related economic justice policies—or provide us with a list.
Best regards,
Trudy Goldberg, Chair
September 2020 News and Updates from National Jobs for All Network (NJFAN) The Full Count: August 2020 Unemployment Data Officially unemployed: 13.6 million (8.4%) Hidden unemployment: 14.6 million (Includes 7.6 million people working part-time because they can't find a full-time job; and 7 million people who want jobs, but are not actively looking) Total: 28.2 million (16.8% of the labor force) There are 4.8 job-wanters for each available job! For more information and analysis, visit: www.njfac.org Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics | | | Who Botched the Unemployment Count in April and May? By FRANK STRICKER The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' employment report for June was relatively upbeat. The official unemployment rate fell to 11.1 percent, job totals were up, and the undercount of people laid off by the virus had been reduced to about 1 percent of the labor force. In April and May, the miscount had been much higher. Reasons for the Undercount What was the miscount about? The category of unemployed workers on temporary layoff--people not working but expecting to return to their former employers--had zoomed up in April to 18.1 million workers. That was ten times the March total. But the real situation was worse. The BLS admitted that the number was a substantial undercount. Every month people are on temporary layoff or leave for reasons that have nothing to do with losing their jobs or business closures due to economic reasons. They may not be included in the count because they suffer from an illness. Or, they may be on vacation, or away from work because severe weather that shuts things down. They are not normally considered unemployed. However, the BLS told interviewers that employees who were temporarily laid off due to the coronavirus were to be listed as unemployed. But not all interviewers followed instructions: Millions of people out of work due to pandemic shutdowns were listed as employed. Had they been sorted properly, unemployment rates would have been 5 points higher in April—not 14.7 percent but 19.5 percent—and 3 points higher in May—not 13.3 percent but 16 percent. We don't know why the miscount happened. Were interviewees confused about the questions? And, despite instructions, did some interviewers decide that business and government shutdowns due to the coronavirus were like shutdowns caused by other acts of nature, such as severe weather? In the latter case, employees are not considered unemployed. Finally, did some interviewers have a problem with the fact that people in the category of "unemployed on temporary layoff " don't have to search for jobs to be considered unemployed, while other kinds of workers do? I don't know the answers. Read More | | Get Involved!! Join/Donate! Subscribe! The National Jobs for All Network is dedicated to the propositions that meaningful employment is a precondition for a fulfilling life, and that every person capable of working should have the right to a job. NJFAN relies on your support. If you find our material useful, please make a tax-deductible donation. We are all volunteers, except for a part-time coordinator. You can also help by sharing announcements and information about any upcoming actions, events or campaigns for jobs for all and economic justice; and sending names and emails of people you think might be interested in receiving this newsletter. Please your updates and contact suggestions to: njfan@njfac.org Thanks so much in advance for your help in building this important social movement. National Jobs for All Network P.O. Box 96 Lynbrook, NY 11563 203-856-3877 Web: www.njfac.org Email: njfan@njfac.org | | | |
Twitter: @ChuckBell
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