Wednesday, March 23, 2016

[NJFAC] Another year, another increase in inequality

This report,, which you can download all of by clicking, shows how wage inequality is growing.

From: Economic Policy Institute [] on behalf of Economic Policy Institute []

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EconomicPolicyInstitute March 13, 2016

Wage inequality got worse in 2015

A new EPI report finds that while real (inflation-adjusted) wages increased across the board in 2015 due to a sharp dip in inflation, the gap between top earners and everyone else continued to grow. "Real wage growth in 2015 is welcome news, since it means workers' standards of living increased. However, this comes with two large caveats," said Elise Gould, the report's author. "First, wage inequality showed no sign of slowing down last year. And, relying on falling inflation is an unwanted and unsustainable strategy for increasing living standards."



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